Sponsors To donate directly to Dertiende Ster you can make a bank transfer:IBAN: BE43 3300 6186 1301 BIC: BBRU BE BB Comment: Yenege TesfaWebsite: www.dertiendester.be BELETU To donate directly to beletu you can make a bank transfer:Account Number: 36 90 77 857 IBAN: NL55 RABO 0369 077 857 BIC: RABO NL 2U Comment: Yenege TesfaWebsite: www.beletu.nl ISCOS Marche OnlusWebsite: www.iscosmarche.org Ethiopiaid AustraliaWebsite: ethiopiaid.org.au CaprioolkinderenWebsite: caprioolkinderen.be Embrace Foundation Website: stichtingembrace.org NosissaWebsite:facebook.com/nosissavzw